3D LED displej voľným okom
Our Naked eye 3D LED screen is a revolutionary display solution that is taking the global market by storm. By leveraging advanced optical technologies such as parallax barrier and lenticular lens, this screen creates a stunning three - dimensional visual experience without the need for viewers to wear any special glasses.
Položka |
FC3.33 |
FC4.44 |
FC5.7 |
FC6.67 |
FC8 |
FC10 |
Pixel Zloženie |
SMD1415 |
SMD1921 |
SMD2727 |
SMD2727 |
SMD2727 |
SMD2727 |
Pixel Pitch (mm) |
3.33 |
4.44 |
5.7 |
6.67 |
8 |
10 |
Rozlíšenie modulu (Š x V) |
144 × 96 |
108 × 72 |
84 × 56 |
72 × 48 |
60 × 40 |
48 × 32 |
Veľkosť modulu (mm) |
480 320 × × 14 |
480 320 × × 14 |
480 320 × × 14 |
480 320 × × 14 |
480 320 × × 14 |
480 320 × × 14 |
Rozlíšenie skrinky (Š × V) |
288 × 288 |
216 × 216 |
168 × 168 |
144 × 144 |
120 × 120 |
96 × 96 |
Kabinet Rozmer (mm) |
960 960 × × 84 |
960 960 × × 84 |
960 960 × × 84 |
960 960 × × 84 |
960 960 × × 84 |
960 960 × × 84 |
Hmotnosť skrine (kg/skrinka) |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
Kabinet Materiál |
Odlievaný hliník |
Odlievaný hliník |
Odlievaný hliník |
Odlievaný hliník |
Odlievaný hliník |
Odlievaný hliník |
Hustota kabinetu(dot/m²) |
90000 |
50625 |
30625 |
22500 |
15625 |
10000 |
IP Rating |
IP68 |
IP68 |
IP68 |
IP68 |
IP68 |
IP68 |
Jas vyváženia bielej (nits) |
≥4500 |
≥5000 |
≥5000 |
≥5500 |
≥6000 |
≥6000 |
Teplota farby (K) |
6500 - 9000 |
6500 - 9000 |
6500 - 9000 |
6500 - 9000 |
6500 - 9000 |
6500 - 9000 |
Zorný uhol (H/V) |
140 ° / 120 ° |
140 ° / 120 ° |
140 ° / 120 ° |
140 ° / 120 ° |
140 ° / 120 ° |
140 ° / 120 ° |
Rovnomernosť jasu |
≥ 97% |
≥ 97% |
≥ 97% |
≥ 97% |
≥ 97% |
≥ 97% |
The Max Power Consumption(W/㎡) |
550 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
Average Power Consumption(W/㎡) |
186 |
186 |
186 |
186 |
186 |
186 |
Vstupné napätie |
AC100 - 240V |
AC100 - 240V |
AC100 - 240V |
AC100 - 240V |
AC100 - 240V |
AC100 - 240V |
Spôsob údržby |
Predné a zadné |
Predné a zadné |
Predné a zadné |
Predné a zadné |
Predné a zadné |
Predné a zadné |
Životnosť (h) |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
Pracovná teplota/vlhkosť |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
-40 ℃ - 80 ℃/10 % RH - 98 % RH (bez kondenzácie) |
Obnoviť Frekvencia |
≥ 3840 Hz |
≥ 3840 Hz |
≥ 3840 Hz |
≥ 3840 Hz |
≥ 3840 Hz |
≥ 3840 Hz |
kľúčové vlastnosti
High - Definition 3D Visuals: With high - resolution panels, it offers an unpixelated presentation, making high - definition and vivid 3D images. The high refresh rate, with a refresh frequency of ≥3840Hz, ensures smooth transitions in animations, providing a visually pleasing experience.
Široké pozorovacie uhly: It provides a wide viewing angle, allowing audiences from various distances and positions to have an excellent view of the content without straining their necks or eyes.
Advanced Optical Technology: Incorporates two advanced optical technologies, parallax barriers, and lenticular lenses. The parallax barriers create a 3D optical illusion through the diffraction of light, while the lenticular lens refracts light to produce a new visual effect.
Odolnosť voči poveternostným vplyvom: Made with durable materials, it can withstand various weather conditions, including extreme heat, cold, and rain. This makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Real - Time Content Rendering: Enables quick and easy ad adjustments. You can change the ad display on the screen in one click, saving time and cost.
reklama: Ideal for outdoor billboards, shopping malls, airports, and other high - traffic areas. Its eye - catching 3D effects can significantly increase brand exposure and attract more customers.
Zábava: Used in cinemas, theme parks, and concert venues to provide a more immersive and exciting visual experience for audiences.
Cultural and Art Exhibitions: Helps to display artworks, historical artifacts, and cultural content in a more vivid and engaging way, enhancing the visitor experience.
Firemné prezentácie: Can be used in corporate showrooms, conferences, and events to showcase products and services in a unique and memorable manner.
Na súčasnom globálnom trhu, kde rastie dopyt po inovatívnych riešeniach, ktoré upútajú pozornosť, naša 3D LED obrazovka Naked eye vyniká ako najlepšia voľba. Spĺňa nielen potreby rôznych priemyselných odvetví, ale stanovuje aj nový štandard pre technológiu vizuálneho zobrazovania.